Second Chances


..with baby OJ….i deserve a second chance….like ricky martin or perez hilton and their babies

Second chances are opportunities given to someone to try again or make amends after failing or making a mistake. It is a chance to start fresh and improve upon past behavior or decisions. Second chances can be powerful tools for growth and redemption, allowing individuals to learn from their past experiences and make positive changes in their lives. It is important to be open to giving second chances to others, as it can lead to personal growth and reconciliation in relationships.

11 thoughts on “Second Chances

  1. UR a much better mother than Bruno

    a dream mother compared 2 Bruno

    in the end, what the video doesn’t not show is bruno files appeal to keep baby OJ

    and gets baby back

  2. THAT is a homophobic thing to say, Lauree

    just because i can not breastfeed is no reason i can’t be a mother

    the problems in the holy land are solved

    are you coming ?


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