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Artist Bio
A super rappin gun clappin anti conformist elitist promulgating the creed : keep em dumb by being balatantly honest, truth is only for the divine to define the rest will be driven mad, and we like it like that!
Conceived on a full moon in october on friday the thirteenth , 2007 Slick Vicious entered the mind, body and soul of Mark Wheating,20 years to the day the young Mark was shut off to the otherside.this fateful evening when rhythm , poetry and songcraft was explained to the hopeless spiritually inept 27 year old it sparked the divine within. thus began his descent into madness and eventual hike to the top of the mountain to dance with the starz. psychosis to gnosis, jesus was the first rockstar and slick vicious will be the last.
93 till infinity
Slick Vicious aka the son of the beat777
Listen to Tuna Vicious @ REVERBnation, or, Myspace.